weight: 218.3
total lost this round: 20.9
total lost over all: 52.9
shots to to go: 2
Yesterday was a horrible day, I don't know how I was even down this morning but there it is. I am excited to see I finally hit 20 lost! I had to update my shots to go this round because for some reason I am running low on my HCG so I wont be able to get 8 or 9 more shots out of the bottle. It is ok though because I am going to do a short cycle, take only three weeks off before starting the next round. The timing works out perfectly because it puts me starting phase 4 right at Thanksgiving and in plenty of time for my trip to Disney!
weight: 219.4
total lost this round: 19.7
total lost over all: 51.9
shots to to go: 11
I am so happy to be FINALLY under 220! I don't have much energy for commentary this morning though, so just yay! And now my next small goal is will be to just hit 218. I am finding it seems more important to try to hit these little goals than trying to look at the bigger picture (which is still to hit 199)
So food, yesterday I had grilled chicken over a bed of lettuce for lunch and a 3/1 omelet with tomatoes for dinner, throw in a couple of apples for snacks and you have my day.
weight: 220.2
total lost this round: 18.8
total lost over all: 51
shots to to go: 12
Halleluiah! Dare I say I may have broken my plateau??? This is the lowest I have hit yet. I believe I said yesterday I at this point I just want to get below 220, that is so doable at this point but I don't want to get overly optimistic.....
Yesterday I had a piece of grilled chicken over a bed of lettuce for lunch with an apple for a snack. For dinner I actually made chicken and pastry for my family for dinner and actually resisted (one of my favorite meals) I did eat two pieces of the pastry primarily because I know no other way to make sure they are done! I ate a little of the chicken before I put it in the sauce so I had dark meat instead of white but for the first time in weeks I am down over a pound at one time so I take it as a win!!!
Here's fingers crossed to see 219 tomorrow.
weight: 221.6
total lost this round: 17.3
total lost over all:49.2
shots to to go: 13
I am so frustrated, it seems I just keep batting around the same stinking pound! I am giving it one more week of my absolute spot on no cheating. If I am still fighting this one pound. I will call p2 over and move on to p3 for three weeks leaving me time to fit in one more mini (20 day) round before the holidays. Hopefully that will trigger my body to start wanting to lose again.
weight: 220.9
total lost this round: 18.4
total lost over all:50.5
shots to to go: 14
Thank goodness I finally had a decent loss. I don't know why I can't seem to get more than a pound a day at any point but I will take any loss at this point. I am still optimistic I will make my goal but at this point I am looking at smaller goals day by day and for today my goal is to hit 219 for tomorrow!
I attempted to do apple days the last couple of days but didn't do so well with that. Today I am going to just try to stick to protocol and see what happens.
I have just over two weeks left, wish me luck.
weight: 221.6
total lost this round: 17.5
total lost over all:49.6
shots to to go: 14
I am so annoyed. I stuck completely to protocol yesterday the only thing I did differently was I went for a walk with my kids and what is my reward? I am UP almost half a pound! The day before I didn't even realize I hadn't posted yesterday but that was because I didn't gain but I also didn't lose! I am going to do an apple day today.
I have to say I AM still losing inches even though the pounds aren't showing, I am fitting in some jeans and shorts I couldn't a week or so ago. So I know it is still working but I am going to be so upset if I can't get closer to my goal. Then again is if get close but fall short, that will upset me too! I still have 14 shots which when you add in Sundays and the three days you continue on the diet after the last shot means I have potentially 19 days to continue losing which in theory means I can still possibly get very close to my goal even if I don't break it. I also have to keep in mind that even if I don't meet that goal I HAVE still lost almost 20 pounds this round. Not exactly what I hope for but still amazing by anyone's account. Now off to make some coffee!!!
weight: 221.1
total lost this round: 18.1
total lost over all:50.1
shots to to go: 17
Whew it was a really a rough last couple of days. Sorry I haven't gotten here to update. Between the problems my dog was having and my friendly 'time of the month' it has just been so tough to get anything done and I was really frustrated too so it was just not productive to blog. Anyway, I seem to be back on tract and today I am FINALLY officially in the over 50 club! I am still optimistic that I can hit my goal of 21 more pounds but it is going to be close. I really am determined though and although I only have 18 shots to go that actually means about 20 days so if I stick completely to protocol it is fully doable.
So yesterday I had bok choy and chicken for lunch and 3/1 egg scramble with tomato and onions. I only had one apple because my son ate my other one. So today I will need to make an apple run. I really notice a difference on the days I get my apples in. It doesn't seem to work as well with the other allowed fruits.
weight: 222.9
Down: .4
total lost this round: 17.7
total lost over all: 48.2
shots to to go: 19
weight: 221.7
Down: .7
total lost this round: 17.7
total lost over all: 49.7
shots to to go: 19
stupid period
weight: 221.0
Down: 1
total lost this round: 18.2
total lost over all: 50.2
shots to to go: 20
Woo Hoo, I broke the 50 mark! Now just 21 pounds to go to make my goal. It is hard to believe I am technically only halfway through this round! I don't have much to say today, it is pay day so I have to grocery shop so I am trying to get ready so I can head out as soon as possible. I am out of ALL of my acceptable foods except chicken so I really need to stock up. Thankfully crab legs are on sale cause I need some variety in my protein!
that is about all for today. Have a great weekend!
weight: 222.0
Down: 1.3
total lost this round: 17.2
total lost over all: 49.2
shots to to go: 21
Well today is my 100th post. I was really hoping to be able to say I hit my 50 down mark but I am just shy so hopefully tomorrow I will break into that club!
I really didn't eat much yesterday. I had a cold piece of steak for lunch, a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese for dinner and 2 apples for snacks. We are out of veggies so I kind of skipped those for the day. I may have to do an apple day today just because I am still out of veggies and tomorrow is grocery day.
I wanted this to be a very special post since it is 100 but honestly I am not in the mood. The dog I have had for 13 years is not doing so good so I am going to go spend time with her. If you have a special pet, go give them an extra squeeze to make sure they know you are there fore them.
weight: 223.3
Down: .2
total lost this round: 15.9
total lost over all: 47.9
shots to to go: 22
Well I was just thinking tomorrow makes my 100 blog post but it seems today is a little special too, R2P2D2 and 22 shots to go! Would have been better if it was 2 pounds lost instead of .2 but still fits the theme!
I am having some tummy issues, it has been hurting since yesterday so I hope that is why the loss isn't bigger. It never fails though, when I am super close to a goal, I stall. I have faith tomorrow I will lose the 2.1 I need to hit 50 and then just around 21 left to go this round.
I am so determined to meet this goal I even resisted the pringles last night when my little one begged me to eat some. I did have a little beef stirfry for lunch and dinner was the 3/1 egg scramble. If my tummy doesn't start feeling better today may be an apple day just because food doesn't sound so good to me but I know I need to eat something.
Well maybe for tomorrows 100th post I will actually try to post a before and after picture. I am not really sure where my before pictures are though so I will just have to search. Until then.....have a great day!
weight: 223.5
Down: .9
total lost this round: 15.7
total lost over all: 47.7
shots to to go: 23
Ohhh sooo close to 50 total lost so far! I am relatively comfortable saying I will hit it by the weekend (except my 'special friend' will be visiting soon. I hope that doesn't through me off course)
Anyway, so yesterday I had a little stir fry beef and bok choy for lunch and then grilled chicken and romaine lettuce salad for dinner. I don't think I actually remembered to eat any fruit though and I wonder if that isn't why I didn't actually lose a little more. Today's goal is to make sure I get my two pieces of fruit in. Well the little guy wants to read some books so it is time for me to run.
weight: 224.4
Down: 1.8
total lost this round: 14.8
total lost over all: 46.8
shots to to go: 24
Oops, sorry I didn't get to post yesterday. First I got on the scale and was very aggravated because it was another 0 day. Now in all fairness now that I have time to 'stew' over it, a zero day is better than an increase day so I shouldn't be too upset. I also was very busy yesterday so after I didn't sit down right away to post I just never had a chance and now that I am trying to think about it, I can't even remember what I ate that day before but I remember it was right on protocol because that is why I got so upset. I got some suggestions on what to do such as possibly add more protein and reduce my dose of HCG by a tiny bit so yesterday I did just that, added a time more protein.
I had a 2 whole egg/2 egg white omelet with tomatoes and onions for lunch and small steak and asparagus for dinner. I even went to a baby shower and didn't eat anything (ok that is a fib I ate about 5 strawberries!) I did bring some of the yummy cakes home to put in my freezer for when the day comes that I can have a little taste. I also had one apple during the day. Apparently the increased protein helped because low and behold down 1.8 today.
As a general rule I don't do shots on Sunday so I will try the decreased dose today. (It is nice to realize that this 'break through' of sorts came on a day I didn't even get a dose!)
Just a note, I have found I REALLY like eating the apples because they stick with me more than anything else I eat.
Alrighty time to face the week! Have a good one everyone!!!
weight: 226.2
Down: 2.2
total lost this round: 12.8
total lost over all: 45
shots to to go: 24
Not much to say today, I was so tired of the plateau I seemed to have hit that I did an apple day yesterday. That means nothing all day but up to 6 apples. I had just found some huge apples so I ended up eating 4 throughout the day. I would not want to do it everyday but it was no unbearable and it did produce results. I am now down to just over 26 pounds to make my goal and I have just over 24 days to make it (I don't do the shots on Sundays.)
So that's it, I am off to prep my shot for today and have a nice big cup of joe!!!
weight: 228.7
total lost this round: 10.6
total lost over all: 41.7
shots to to go: 25
Busy day so not time for much. Anyway I am so annoyed right now nothing I say would be positive anyway. I was SPOT on protocol yesterday and still up today, only .2 but up is NOT down! I am very well frankly still stopped up so I have had my smooth move tea. I am now going to commence to do an apple day which means nothing but 6 apples (max) and a touch of water. Supposedly it will help break this plateau....we will see!
weight: 228.4
total lost this round: 11.7
total lost over all: 42.8
shots to to go: 25
Yesterday was a very busy day, which was nice because it didn't give me time to worry about food. I know a lot of my cheating is more boredom or emotional eating, very little of it is actually about hunger.
I was away from the house from 10 to 5 so lunch was a grilled chicken salad from McDonald's. I only ate the lettuce and the chicken.
I finally got to the grocery store and stocked up my apples so I had an apple for a snack and then dinner was romaine lettuce with strips of steak.
I did make turkey cutlets, stuffing and dinner rolls for the family though so I have to admit I had trouble resisting the stove top. (damn the temptations)
I have to stop weighing at night and again in the am. I did the night weigh to show my why I don't need to snack and it worked last night. I was down 2 pounds! Oh the humanity though to wake up to not even a full pound off. That will teach me not to snack on things like stove top though. I really need to find meals the family will eat that I can not stand! (unfortunately, that isn't much!)
Well off to get my shot and start another day. Hugs to all!!!
weight: 229.4
total lost this round: 10.8
total lost over all: 41.9
shots to to go: 26
I don't have much to say today. Oh a note for anyone considering trying this, it would seem to be really important to vary your injection sites. I have always used my rear but yesterday I didn't have my shot ready when my hubby left for work so I had to do it myself and used my stomach. It was the first time this round I haven't been dying to eat all day. I wish I had know this sooner. I hope it helps to get me some good numbers the rest of the way through because as it stands now at a pound a day I will be pushing it to make my goal.
For food yesterday, I had cottage cheese for lunch and for dinner I did a 3/1 egg scramble with asparagus.
I think some of my 'issues' might be behind me now and I HOPE to see a 2 pound loss for tomorrow!!! For now I am off to have my first cup of water and get my shot ready. See you tomorrow.
weight: 230.1
Down: .4
total lost this round: 9.9
total lost over all: 41.1
shots to to go: 27
Ugh, had a fun day cooking out yesterday but it resulted in this! I actually stuck with protocol but I think my portions were too big. I guess I should be happy I am not up further than I am. So lunch was a ground beef patty with grilled asparagus and dinner was some grilled crab legs with radishes. I had an apple for snack.
I have also been wondering about the potency of my HCG this round along with the possibility of doing the shots in the same spot every time causing a problem. I can't do much about the potency but I have switched injection site to my belly for now.....
Off to have some water, I think I am running behind on my water amounts.
weight: 229.7
Down: .7
total lost this round: 10.3
total lost over all: 41.5
shots to to go: 28
I don't have a whole lot to say today. I had shrimp and asparagus for lunch and some rotisserie chicken with lettuce for dinner. I also had an apple and orange for snacks.
I was a little concerned when I first woke up today as when I first weighed I was even from yesterday but I was feeling a little...welllll having the poo issue, hehe. When I finally went a few minutes later I weighed again and came up with these results. I have some tea I spoke of the other day that I drink on these occasions and it is really helpful. Smooth Move tea it is amazing for these purposes!!! I didn't actually drink any this time but I may be using it later as I kind of still feel the need. Sorry, I know this is too much information but I to be real for anyone considering this diet. It is a well known issue for many people.
weight: 230.4
Down: 1.3
total lost this round: 9.6
total lost over all: 40.8
shots to to go: 29
So yesterday I stuck COMPLETELY to protocol! It was a hell day. I think I was suffering from cheating with the Pringles the day before. Anyway, we had to go out of town for a party(2 hour drive). I had coffee for breakfast, waiting until we were partially there and had a grilled chicken salad for lunch. I didn't eat ANY thing at the party and trust me that was tough with the prettiest cake I have ever seen. (No offense mom, you could do it, you just haven't, I have to tell you about this cake!) I made it the entire party and all the way home at which time I scarfed down an apple while I was making myself a 3/1 omelet with asparagus in it. I didn't snack at all on anything else the rest of the day.
I am sticking to that protocol today and for the next 29 days. I hope my body gets the memo and goes back to more than a pound every day!
That said, off to have some coffee and make breakfast for my kiddos.
Oh, I usually don't so shots of Sunday but with the way my body has been acting I think I need it so I will be taking one this Sunday anyway.
Have a great day!!!
total lost this round:8.3
total lost over all: 39.5
shots to to go:30
I love my kids, really I do, but having children makes his journey so much harder! Unfortunately when you have children (and I guess a husband) they have to eat. I have tried not to feed them but it never works, they always come back around looking to be fed. I try really hard to keep my trigger foods away from me but sometimes you have to put the children first. However when your trigger food is a can of Pringles, I guess it wouldn't kill the child to be told no. I have to remember that next time we are doing grocery shopping. I can resist most chips but apparently not Pringles. I ate Pringles yesterday. I think the ones I ate early on would have probably been ok but then I just couldn't stop. It is when things like this happen I KNOW I have food issues and most likely a binge eating disorder but I also have free will and will power so that said I know eating the chips could have been avoided. I am calling yesterday a giant fail however today is a new day and I am sticking to protocol.
I almost didn't post this, it is easy to only share my successful days but now I know some people are actually reading this it is time to share gains as well as losses. So here you go. Tomorrow WILL be a loss! (wish me luck, I have to go to a birthday party today.) I should add however I am going through a phase I dealt with on my last round where I am feeling a little constipated. I am going to drink some Smooth Move tea and see if that helps, this might explain some of the minor increase but doesn't do anything for the lack of loss so....
So that is all, off to cook breakfast for the kiddos. Wish me luck there too, they want bacon........