Friday, August 31, 2012



total lost this round:8.7
total lost over all: 39.9
shots to to go:31

Not much to say today.  Yesterday was pretty average.  I had leftover shredded chicken and asparagus for lunch and a 3/1 egg omelet with asparagus for dinner.  (3 whites to one full egg).  I snacked on grassimi bread sticks and had an apple and an orange.  

I have yet to do what I would consider a full on cheat but I have be a little sloppier this time around than I would like.  So I have made a sort of 'pledge' with some other people who are at the same stage as me to say POP (perfect on protocol)  So  I am hoping to start seeing the 2 pounds drops start back up soon. In the mean time I am just 1.4 from my self imposed mini goal.

Thursday, August 30, 2012



total lost this round:7.8
total lost over all: 39.1
shots to to go:32

Not really much to say today.  I am actually pretty happy to be zero.  My 3 yr old convinced me to eat some cheetos last night (how do you say no to those little faces?) I also experimented at dinner and tried to have some shirataki noodles for dinner because there has been debate on if they were safe for phase two or not.  I am going to say they are not good for phase two.  (they are a veggie based noodle but apparently one of the five or so that work at this phase. 

Also, I am not exactly surprised to see this plateau because it always seems to happen when I am ever so close to a 'mini' goal. If today goes as planned and I stay on course I will probably drop the 2.1 pounds I need to get under the 'zero' factor.....

We will see....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012



Down: 1.8
total lost this round:7.8
total lost over all: 39.1
shots to to go:33

Yesterday was a good day over all. I am 32.2 pounds away from my goal for this round.  So if I keep up at this pace I should have NO trouble reaching that goal!
I had a really sad little lunch but I just didn't feel like cooking so it worked, lunch was 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and an apple.  For dinner I made the best shredded chicken that I had cooked all day in the crock pot.  I ate it wrapped in red leaf romaine lettuce.  It was so good inf act that I was afraid I had derailed all my efforts from the day because I ate way more than I should have.  Fortunately I have been in ketosis all day (I was checking with keytone sticks and I have been throwing from trace all they way to large keytones all day yesterday.  I knew it was a good thing when you are losing weight but I wasn't sure why so I checked.  Ketosis is part of the process that takes place when your body’s metabolism converts fat into energy. When this is taking place, it is the time that you lose the most fat. The name ketosis relates to the fats that are stored and then release as energy, which is known as ketones. When people eat less carbohydrates, their bodies turn to fat into energy and more ketones are generated.  from the Miracle Skinny Drops website, I am not endorsing this product as I have never used it or even researched it.  I just wanted an explanation of ketosis. 

So there is your science lesson for today! I am off to see what I can eat today and if I can keep the ketosis going.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012



total lost this round:6
total lost over all: 37.3
shots to to go:34

Well I think I did it to myself.  I was just thinking yesterday that I was due for a setback.  I don't feel like I messed up yesterday but sitting here thinking I ate dinner rather early and ended up so hungry before I went to be that I gave in and ate 3-4 pieces of sliced turkey lunch meat.  (big no no) so as far as set backs go, if I am going to have one, I will take .4 pounds over what it could be ANY DAY!  Today is a new day and I will get back on track.  I was able to buy a little bit of veggies (asparagus is my vegetable of choice on this diet) so that will help.  

Oh just for the record, I had a grilled chicken salad for lunch and dinner was a 3 egg white plus one full egg omelet with onion.  I also had melba toast, breadstick and one apple. I didn't get my second fruit in either.  I must make sure I hit everything today.  

That is all for today, like I said, new day and small set back just allows for a BIG loss tomorrow morning! Have a great day!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012


total lost this round:6.4
total lost over all: 37.7
shots to to go:35

Wow I love seeing those numbers!  Yesterday was a little tough.  The hardest thing I find is when I have to cook for the rest of the family.  They had bacon and eggs for dinner. Bacon, really????? Not to mention by the time I was done cooking for all of them I had no desire to cook for myself.  So my food yesterday was not ideal (but apparently still worked)  I had a grilled chicken salad for lunch and basically a handful of bacon for dinner.  I also ate one bread stick, one melba toast, an apple and an orange during the day.  

I think the HCG is finally getting in my system.  I am finding I am not hungry during the day any more.  I also think I have my head in a good place too because I also am not trying to eat just because their is food around.  (I really wonder how much of that is knowing my daughter is having to to learn moderation too.)  

I can't believe I am only 3.6 pounds away from my first mini goal.  

Oh I should add (to make myself accountable) I am trying to add in some walking this time around.  I will start today doing a Walk Away the Pounds dvd. ( I would walk outside but the Hurricane off the coast of Florida seems to be sending storms our way too!) 


Sunday, August 26, 2012


total lost this round:4.2
total lost over all: 35.5
shots to to go:36

No shot today, I take Sundays off so I don't build up a tolerance too soon.  Yesterday was a better day.  I am settling in finally I think.  I had grilled shrimp and asparagus for lunch and dinner I actually had ribs and some radishes.  Ribs aren't the best choice but since my little one was under the weather last weekend, which happened to be pay day, so I didn't manage to shop for meat.  I haven't had a chance to restock since then thanks to the issue I had with and my debit card so I am trying to make do with what is in the house until I have a chance to go.  On the upside, I am getting to clean out my freezer!  I am also running out of veggies now so I really need to make it to the store soon.  

I can say I find myself less patient this round.  I really want to see the end of the 40 days just because I am anxious to see just how well I do this time.  ;0)  

Well off to make some coffee and defrost some chicken.  Have a Happy Sunday!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


total lost this round:3.1
total lost over all: 34.4
shots to to go:36

I am having a really hard time adjusting this time, although I bet if I go read my first few posts of round 1 they will sound very similar to this.  I seem to remember it took about a week to stop wanting to eat ALL the time.  It seem harder this time because I also have my daughter constantly wanting to eat AND I have to cook really smart meals for the family because of my daughter's recent diagnosis.  

Yesterday I had black coffee, tons of water, lunch was one egg/3whites omelet with tomatoes (and I cheated and added a few onions too) I had two grassini bread sticks an apple and an orange.  I had some hamburger meat and radishes for dinner.  I had gone to the store and was really late eating dinner which caused me to eat a string cheese, I was getting the shakes and I KNEW I did NOT need to drive the way I felt.  I also ate about 3 cheetos.  Let's see if I can make it through today with no cheats. 

I think next week will get easier.  We have been really off schedule since getting back from the hospital but next week all our extra curricular things start back up and we have to start schooling again, so I will hopefully be too busy to worry about food! 

Friday, August 24, 2012


total lost this round:2.2
total lost over all: 33.5
shots to to go:37

Oh how I LOVE HCG.  I thought today was going to be a total wash.  I caved so hard last night and had a horrible time with food.  I figured I know the first day is the hardest because the HCG hasn't totally kicked in yet so if I was going to cheat I should get it over with sooner rather than later.  Oh I did too!  I did ok during the day had a green salad with some chicken for lunch with a Grassini bread stick and and apple.  For dinner I had another bread stick, some shrimp grilled with garlic and asparagus....and all was well...until everyone went to bed and the jar of Nutella called to me, seduced me really between that and the giant pretzel sticks I was just weak!  So that is behind me and today is another day.  It helps so much to see that 2.2 down already!  No more cheating I HAVE to hit 40 lbs off this round.  I have a certain place I want to be by the end of this round so I can really enjoy Disney in December!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


total lost:+.9
shots to to go:38

Today is my second loading day.  I am so sick of food already.  The .9 weight gain is totally to be expected as I am loading, so no worries.  I will probably post a gain today too, if I am doing things right anyway.  I have basically eaten everything thing that isn't nailed down!  I am about to share some crab legs with my daughter. I am just ready to get past this so we can start seeing the scale go DOWN!  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


It is finally time!!!!!!  I had a brief delay because unfortunately my 7 yr got really sick and had to go into the hospital but that has been resolved and now I can focus on me a little!  

So Starting weight is 239.2
and my starting measurements are 

waist: 40.5
hips: 48.25
thighs: 25
bust: 47.5
arm: 15

I actually have an app on my iphone to help me this time and more determination than ever not to cheat so I am POSITIVE I can meet my goal and be under 200 by the end of this round!  In actual numbers my goal is 40 pounds.  I have two loading days to get through so time to start grubbing!  Let's do this thing!!!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

4 days to round 2!!!

total lost: 2.7
days until next round:4

I am sooooo ready for Monday to get here!  I am going have fun loading Monday and Tuesday but I am also a little tired of food so the VLCD will be wonderful!

On a side note, I have pretty much determined I am allergic or at the very least sensitive to flour/wheat.  I made some pancakes for my children the other morning and my body had a horrible reaction to it.  NO MORE FLOUR for me!!! Just another reason to get on the VLCD, there is less chance of having my stomach bloat up so much I look 6 months pregnant!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The countdown is ON!!!!

One week from tomorrow, just 8 short wake ups from now, I will start round two!  I am so excited I can hardly stand it.  I can't believe I am actually anxiously awaiting going back on the VLCD.  I am DETERMINED not to cheat at all this round.  I WILL break into the 100s that means from where I am today I will have to lose 41 pounds.  Totally do able with a concentrated effort.  


Monday, August 6, 2012


weight: 241.0
total lost: 30

days until next round: 12

I had a very rough weekend.  I ate everything that didn't eat me first!!!  I must really be stabilized because even with all the shoveling I did, I am still within 2 pounds of the weight I was when I took my last shot.  Actually I am still down 2 full pounds from that last day so even though I am up a hair I am still doing pretty great.  I am very excited that I am with in the two week window for starting the next round.  Oh the wait is KILLING me!  I already have my HCG, I am going to order the kit today.

I should add that I will return to blogging daily when I start the VLCD portion again!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


weight: 239.0
down: .2
total lost: 32.2

days until next round: 18

Maintenance is going well!  Now that I am in the last three weeks of this phase things have gotten SO much easier!  If this is how I have to life the rest of my life I should have no problem.

I want to do a quick review of a product I was told about.  Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted 100% Whole Grain Flourless Cinnamon Raisin Bread  This bread has no flour in it, it is made wholly of sprouted grains and organic ingredients. I was a little hesitant at first but I had heard it was ok on phase three of this diet and quiet frankly I was SO tired of eggs only for breakfast.  I needed some toast darn it!  The texture is a little different than a regular bread but at least toasted you can hardly notice it.  If I had to find anything to complain about it would actually only be that I wish it was just cinnamon bread and not cinnamon raisin but that is a personal preference to not have raisins more than anything wrong with the ones in this bread.  So all things said I would definitely give this bread a try.  

I was also told about bread from Julian bakery which I would really like to try but there is only one store that is even close to local, and it is 50 miles away, that carries it.  I can order from the bakery but I had to pay almost as much to ship at the item itself costs! I will try it the next time I have to make a trip to Raleigh which is actually later this month. 

So that is all for now.  Just over two weeks until I can start this process all over again.  I have changed my ultimate goal so that I will actually lose 100lbs to make my final goal.  When I hit that mark I will have to decide if I am done or want to get closer to the weight that is considered my 'suggested ideal weight' but I think that is a little smaller than I need to be, we will see!